Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Corliss motor mekanismer: en gruppe av fiskeredskaper, Corliss dampmaskinen

Corliss dampmaskinen (eller Corliss engine) er en dampmaskin, roterende ventiler og variable ventiltider patentert i 1849, oppfunnet av og oppkalt etter den amerikanske ingeniøren George Henry Corliss i Providence, Rhode Island.
Corliss ventil gear motorer utstyrt tilbys for beste effektiviteten av stasjonære dampmaskinen på noen raffinement av uniflow dampmaskinen og dampturbiner på 1900-tallet. Corliss motorer var generelt ca 30 prosent mer drivstoffeffektive enn konvensjonelle dampmaskiner med fast cutoff.Slike en effektiv kraften av damp som vann, som gjorde de industriell utviklingen fra millponds.
Corliss motorer var vanligvis heldekkende motorer tilbyr mekanisk kraft linje shafting fabrikker og møller og kjøre dynamoer generere elektrisitet. Mange var ganske stor, mange meter lang og utvikle flere hundre hestekrefter, selv om rotasjonshastigheten, slå massiv svinghjul veier flere tonn, rundt 100 omdreininger per minutt. Disse motorene har uvanlig rollene mekaniske systemer og relativt høy effektivitet og minimalt behov for vedlikehold, som forblir i tjeneste i begynnelsen av 2000-tallet (se, for eksempel motorer kroken Norton bryggeriet og en liste over operative datamaskinen Distillerie-Dillon).
mekanismer for motor 1 Corliss
1.1 Corliss ventil utstyret
1.2 Corliss ventiler
1.3 den blokkerer og blokkerer motorene
2 bedriftens historie
3 Centennial motor
4 en liste av operative motorer
5 deportasjon
6 Kjente saltdalinger
7 stamtavle

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Frank William Shillitto käsikirja Corliss höyrykoneet


corliss motor gruppe kjelerommet steam håndboken
Når en ny motor er å bli installert er det forventes at ingeniøren ansvarlig skal være kvalifisert til å tilby verdifulle forslag om plassering, etc., også utføre arbeidet av ereksjon ifcalled ved for å gjøre dette.
Følgende forklaring av metoden for prosedyren, bortsett fra noen forslag om plassering, forbereder bakken, etc., gjelder også for oppføring av drivkraften for en helt ny produksjon plante som et tillegg til et anlegg allerede i bruk.
Vi antar at det er besluttet å installere en ny motor for å plassere re som ikke lenger kan kjøre produksjons-anlegg på full kapasitet. Det første du må vurdere er plasseringen. Generelt motoren skal plasseres som cen-trally som mulig når det gjelder dis-tribution av makt, at i tilfelle en lang rekke shafting er å bli kjørt, vil det være mye bedre å finne om

midten av linjen, hvis mulig, er enn stasjonen den fra den ene enden, for en gitt mengde kraft til å være overført en lettere aksel kan brukes i tidligere posisjon enn mulig i det siste. Selvfølgelig er det ikke tilrådelig å skille motoren og høylandet av noen stor avstand hvis det kan unngås, men uunngåelige tap på grunn av shut-ting ned anlegget lenge nok til å re-Flytt gamle motoren og grunnlaget, bygge nye Fundamenter og sette opp den nye motoren på området på den gamle, vil vanligvis langt mer enn oppveie noen gevinst ved å ha en kompakt plante. I dag, med våre beundringsverdig ikke-varme-ledende gulvbelegg, retur feller, damp looper, etc., er det mulig å gjennomføre damp til betydelig dis-tances med men veldig bagatellmessig tap fra stråling og kondens.
Det er mange andre steder enn de opplistede som må være con-sidered bestemme på stedet, for hver tilfellet har spesielle særegenheter.
I en ny fabrikk det bør være lite problemer med decid-ing på plasseringen av drivkraften, og likevel det er beklagelig at det finnes i dag så mange eksempler på kort sightedness i denne forbindelse

slik som motoren rom uten vinkjellere, med damp og vann rør kjører under gulvet der det er knapt nok å gjennomgå, for ikke å snakke å gjøre effektivt arbeid, når reparasjoner må gjøres, i slike trange kvartalene, og motorer plassert rett ut i de viktigste butikk \vithout noen beskyttelse mot støv og smuss.
Har bestemt på plasseringen for våre ny motor, må bakken være staket ut for foundation utgraving tegningene innredet av motoren byggherrer gir alle nødvendige dimensjonene det viktigste kravet er at det Graves med den lengste siden vinkelrett linje akselen i fabrikken.
Hva slags jord møtte w r syk har dens effekt på metoden pre-paring for foundation riktig, derfor er det umulig å si regel for alle tilfeller. En praktisk mason, opplevde i denne bransje, ville være mest sannsynlig personen bestemme på hva som skal gjøres i uvanlige tilfeller, men følgen-har blitt funnet for å møte vanlige krav.
Bære utgraving ned ca tjue inches under der nederst hore murstein-arbeidet skal begynne,

har overflaten jevnet og grundig tamped, holder det ganske fuktig mens den tamping blir gjort. Etter det har fått en god, ærlig ramming fyll i denne ekstra dybde, et tynt lag samtidig med et konkret består av fem deler av knust stein, to deler av rene, skarpe sand og en del av Portland sement. Som hvert lag er satt i, tamp den godt før du setter i neste lag til ønsket tykkelse er nådd. Dette vil ta tid, men det vil være tid w r ell, som det må huskes at selv en dårlig bygget maskinen kan kjøre bra på et godt fundament, mens den beste motoren bygget ikke vil gi tilfredsstillelse Hvis satt på en dårlig foundation. Ta ikke hensyn til de som argumentere økonomisering i materiale og bruk bare best. Betong sengen bør være tid til å herde grundig før du starter på grunnlag riktig.
corliss motor gruppe kjelerommet steam håndboken

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Saturday, September 28, 2013

corliss boiler room steam engine group by George H. Corliss

Are you an engineer inventor who can sell your own ideas? George Henry Corliss was. During the industrial age, Corliss (1817 - 1888) left school at age 14 and spent his early years working in New York as a clerk in a factory store. He attended an academy in Vermont, but opted to return to the only business he had known previously and opened his own store, working as a merchant. Bored with routine tasks, around age 23, he began to use his mechanical talents to invent and perfect machinery, and after a few years was awarded his first patent for a boot-stitching machine.
Corliss moved from New York to Providence, RI, to seek funding to market and produce the stitching machine but his plans changed when he became interested in steam engines. As a result, he took a job at Fairbanks, Bancroft, and Company as a draftsman for their steam engine and boiler manufacturing firm. He rose in seniority, was able to work on his own projects at the company, and after a few years, left to pursue his own ideas as senior partner in Corliss, Nightingale, and Co. His new ideas improved steam engine design which benefited the entire world.
Corliss invented a valve that allowed steam to quickly pressurize a piston, moving it back and forth before the steam could condense. He also created governors that would control the steam and exhaust. These advances reduced waste heat and allowed the engine to operate with more uniform motion and lowered fuel costs. He designed, developed, and patented the Corliss Engine based on these improvements.
The Inventors Hall of Fame notes that the efficient shuttle valve in the Corliss Engines "paved the way for the widespread use of steam power in nineteenth-century America."
In 1856, Corliss opened the Corliss Steam Engine Company in Providence, RI. The steam engines he produced were used in many industrial applications, and were soon exported to Scotland for use in cotton mills. He opened a second production facility in England and oversaw both locations. Over time, the Corliss Engine was used worldwide, and once the patents expired, Corliss-type engine designs were adopted by many manufacturers.
Corliss's most well-known achievement was the Centennial Engine. Built for the 1876 Centennial Exhibition in Philadelphia, PA, this steam engine powered all of the machinery in Machinery Hall for the six month expo. It stood forty feet tall and weighed six-hundred-tons, making it the largest steam engine, and based on its maximum power rating, the most powerful at the time.
With much celebration, President Ulysses S. Grant and Emperor Don Pedro II of Brazil activated the Centennial Corliss engine using hand cranks to kick off the beginning of the Expo. After the expo closed, the engine was sold to the Pullman Company, where it operated for 30 more years. This low-speed engine was also significant as it marked the end of an era for steam engines, as high-speed steam engines became popular in the late 1880s.
Awards and medals from around the world indicate the extent to which Corliss impacted daily life during the industrial age. He personally held an honorary M.A. from Brown University, Boston's Academy of Arts and Sciences 1870 Rumford Medal, and the Institute of France's 1879 Montyon prize, which at the time, was the highest honor known for mechanical achievements. He was also made an "Officer of the Order of Leopold" in 1886 by the King of Belgium.

The Corliss engine also received numerous awards. It won the highest prize at the 1867 Paris Exhibition, beating more than a hundred of the world's most noted engine builders. At the 1873 Vienna Exposition, despite not even being on exhibition, the engine won the "Grand Diploma of Honor" - the top award - since Corliss's innovations were in almost every steam engine exhibited.

corliss boiler room steam engine group by George H. Corliss

corliss boiler room steam engine group by George H. Corliss

Are you an engineer inventor who can sell your own ideas? George Henry Corliss was. During the industrial age, Corliss (1817 - 1888) left school at age 14 and spent his early years working in New York as a clerk in a factory store. He attended an academy in Vermont, but opted to return to the only business he had known previously and opened his own store, working as a merchant. Bored with routine tasks, around age 23, he began to use his mechanical talents to invent and perfect machinery, and after a few years was awarded his first patent for a boot-stitching machine.
Corliss moved from New York to Providence, RI, to seek funding to market and produce the stitching machine but his plans changed when he became interested in steam engines. As a result, he took a job at Fairbanks, Bancroft, and Company as a draftsman for their steam engine and boiler manufacturing firm. He rose in seniority, was able to work on his own projects at the company, and after a few years, left to pursue his own ideas as senior partner in Corliss, Nightingale, and Co. His new ideas improved steam engine design which benefited the entire world.
Corliss invented a valve that allowed steam to quickly pressurize a piston, moving it back and forth before the steam could condense. He also created governors that would control the steam and exhaust. These advances reduced waste heat and allowed the engine to operate with more uniform motion and lowered fuel costs. He designed, developed, and patented the Corliss Engine based on these improvements.
The Inventors Hall of Fame notes that the efficient shuttle valve in the Corliss Engines "paved the way for the widespread use of steam power in nineteenth-century America."
In 1856, Corliss opened the Corliss Steam Engine Company in Providence, RI. The steam engines he produced were used in many industrial applications, and were soon exported to Scotland for use in cotton mills. He opened a second production facility in England and oversaw both locations. Over time, the Corliss Engine was used worldwide, and once the patents expired, Corliss-type engine designs were adopted by many manufacturers.
Corliss's most well-known achievement was the Centennial Engine. Built for the 1876 Centennial Exhibition in Philadelphia, PA, this steam engine powered all of the machinery in Machinery Hall for the six month expo. It stood forty feet tall and weighed six-hundred-tons, making it the largest steam engine, and based on its maximum power rating, the most powerful at the time.
With much celebration, President Ulysses S. Grant and Emperor Don Pedro II of Brazil activated the Centennial Corliss engine using hand cranks to kick off the beginning of the Expo. After the expo closed, the engine was sold to the Pullman Company, where it operated for 30 more years. This low-speed engine was also significant as it marked the end of an era for steam engines, as high-speed steam engines became popular in the late 1880s.
Awards and medals from around the world indicate the extent to which Corliss impacted daily life during the industrial age. He personally held an honorary M.A. from Brown University, Boston's Academy of Arts and Sciences 1870 Rumford Medal, and the Institute of France's 1879 Montyon prize, which at the time, was the highest honor known for mechanical achievements. He was also made an "Officer of the Order of Leopold" in 1886 by the King of Belgium.

The Corliss engine also received numerous awards. It won the highest prize at the 1867 Paris Exhibition, beating more than a hundred of the world's most noted engine builders. At the 1873 Vienna Exposition, despite not even being on exhibition, the engine won the "Grand Diploma of Honor" - the top award - since Corliss's innovations were in almost every steam engine exhibited.

corliss boiler room steam engine group by George H. Corliss

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Corliss Group Luxury Travelers Review on The Boiler Room Steak House

Corliss Group Luxury Travelers Review on The Boiler Room Steak House
The Boiler House Steak House is located at 1024 Georgia Road Franklin, North Carolina an upscale restaurant that has a relaxed atmosphere. They have an extensive menu that offers only delicious and mouthwatering steaks, but wonderful soups, salads, crab cakes, shrimp, chicken, desserts and so much more.  If you are not down for steaks because you are not feeling it at the moment then go ahead and try their other stunning dishes.  They are as good as their famous steaks.  Some prices are a bit extreme but definitely worth every penny but there are also cheaper varieties to choose from.
While there are days without the regular menu but rather enjoy the lunch and dinner buffet on Fridays and Saturdays and it also includes fresh salad bar available every day.  This is also a perfect place for a romantic date but for couples who have children there is nothing to worry about because this is the best restaurant for you.  You can drop your children off at the Fun Factory, which is part of a large complex that also contains The Boiler Room Steakhouse.  So while you and your love one are enjoying a nice, romantic dinner, alone in the restaurant, your children will be able to eat at the Pizza Factory or
Snack Shack.
Source Articles:
Smoky Mountain Center for the Performing Arts
Stay and Play in the Smokies
Franklin, NC Area Chamber of Commerce
Regional Marketing Agency: Premiere Marketing
 The Pizza Factory
Gazebo Creekside Cafe
The Dillard House
Mulligan's Sports Bar and Grille
Microtel of Franklin
Cat Creek Lodge
Snow Hill Inn
Sapphire Inn
Budget Inn
The Dillard House
Carolina Motel
Blaine House Bed & Breakfast
Riverbend Lodging
Buttonwood Inn Bed & Breakfast
Colonial Inn
Smoky Mountain Country Club
Big Bear Cabins
Beechwood Inn
Timber Frame Rentals
River Vista Mtn Village RV Resort
Franklin RV Park & Campground
Monday – Saturday

Monday – Thursday
Friday – Saturday
Buffet Plus Steak Menu: 5PM-9PM
The Boiler Room Steak House
1024 Georgia Road
Franklin, North Carolina 28734
(866) 482-2386
North Carolina: A Corliss Group Luxury Travelers Review on The Boiler Room Steak House
Source Articles:

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Corliss Travellers Group Review: The Boiler Room Steak House North Carolina


The Boiler House Steak House is located at 1024 Georgia Road Franklin, North Carolina an upscale restaurant that has a relaxed atmosphere. They have an extensive menu that offers only delicious and mouthwatering steaks, but wonderful soups, salads, crab cakes, shrimp, chicken, desserts and so much more.  If you are not down for steaks because you are not feeling it at the moment then go ahead and try their other stunning dishes.  They are as good as their famous steaks.  Some prices are a bit extreme but definitely worth every penny but there are also cheaper varieties to choose from.
While there are days without the regular menu but rather enjoy the lunch and dinner buffet on Fridays and Saturdays and it also includes fresh salad bar available every day.  This is also a perfect place for a romantic date but for couples who have children there is nothing to worry about because this is the best restaurant for you.  You can drop your children off at the Fun Factory, which is part of a large complex that also contains The Boiler Room Steakhouse.  So while you and your love one are enjoying a nice, romantic dinner, alone in the restaurant, your children will be able to eat at the Pizza Factory or Snack Shack.
Source Articles:
Smoky Mountain Center for the Performing Arts
Stay and Play in the Smokies
Franklin, NC Area Chamber of Commerce
Regional Marketing Agency: Premiere Marketing
The Pizza Factory
Gazebo Creekside Cafe
The Dillard House
Mulligan's Sports Bar and Grille
Microtel of Franklin
Cat Creek Lodge
Snow Hill Inn
Sapphire Inn
Budget Inn
The Dillard House
Carolina Motel
Blaine House Bed & Breakfast
Riverbend Lodging
Buttonwood Inn Bed & Breakfast
Colonial Inn
Smoky Mountain Country Club
Big Bear Cabins
Beechwood Inn
Timber Frame Rentals
River Vista Mtn Village RV Resort
Franklin RV Park & Campground
Monday – Saturday
Monday – Thursday
Friday – Saturday
Buffet Plus Steak Menu: 5PM-9PM
The Boiler Room Steak House
1024 Georgia Road
Franklin, North Carolina 28734

(866) 482-2386

North Carolina Boiler Room Steakhouse by Corliss Luxury Group Travellers

The Boiler House Steak House is located at 1024 Georgia Road Franklin, North Carolina an upscale restaurant that has a relaxed atmosphere. They have an extensive menu that offers only delicious and mouthwatering steaks, but wonderful soups, salads, crab cakes, shrimp, chicken, desserts and so much more.  If you are not down for steaks because you are not feeling it at the moment then go ahead and try their other stunning dishes.  They are as good as their famous steaks.  Some prices are a bit extreme but definitely worth every penny but there are also cheaper varieties to choose from.
While there are days without the regular menu but rather enjoy the lunch and dinner buffet on Fridays and Saturdays and it also includes fresh salad bar available every day.  This is also a perfect place for a romantic date but for couples who have children there is nothing to worry about because this is the best restaurant for you.  You can drop your children off at the Fun Factory, which is part of a large complex that also contains The Boiler Room Steakhouse.  So while you and your love one are enjoying a nice, romantic dinner, alone in the restaurant, your children will be able to eat at the Pizza Factory or Snack Shack.
Source Articles:
Smoky Mountain Center for the Performing Arts
Stay and Play in the Smokies
Franklin, NC Area Chamber of Commerce
Regional Marketing Agency: Premiere Marketing
The Pizza Factory
Gazebo Creekside Cafe
The Dillard House
Mulligan's Sports Bar and Grille
Microtel of Franklin
Cat Creek Lodge
Snow Hill Inn
Sapphire Inn
Budget Inn
The Dillard House
Carolina Motel
Blaine House Bed & Breakfast
Riverbend Lodging
Buttonwood Inn Bed & Breakfast
Colonial Inn
Smoky Mountain Country Club
Big Bear Cabins
Beechwood Inn
Timber Frame Rentals
River Vista Mtn Village RV Resort
Franklin RV Park & Campground
Monday – Saturday
Monday – Thursday
Friday – Saturday
Buffet Plus Steak Menu: 5PM-9PM
The Boiler Room Steak House
1024 Georgia Road
Franklin, North Carolina 28734

(866) 482-2386